Partnership With Us
Our club program is designed to work directly with each with the club's players to develop their technical skills outside of their normal practices. We will work directly with the club to identify their needs and to provide additional training that the club is looking for. Our system will provide top notch, highly trained coaches to come to your facility to run training programs tailored for the club and players. These programs are extremely beneficial as it allows the team's coaches to focus their attention on the team play while we prioritize on the individual attention to help raise the standard of technical ability of the individuals which will help contribute to more overall success from the team.
Throughout the sessions, your players will make a noticeable difference with their touch, body position, 1v1 skills.. associated with their position. Our goal is to help be a support the growth of the club through this individual development program.
These programs can range from the type of needs that the program has and we are flexible in making everything fit the schedules of the club. Hiring us can ease the burden have having to hire on additional staff members and allow you to focus on current stuff.. the club could pay..the players could pay... the club/players can split
If your club is interested or would like to know more about this supplemental training, contact us at